2.450 meters over the sea level – Pontechianale – Valle Varaita - WEST side of MonViso
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  Webcam Rifugio Vallanta
View from the Shelter of the large lake that separates it from the Rocks of Viso and from the rough west side of Monviso.

Regione Piemonte Webcam service, updated every 5 minutes,
taken care from Piemonte Region 

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RifugioVallanta.it – Valle Varaita CN - Manager: Guida Alpina Patrile Livio - Fr. Furest, 12 – 12020 Pontechianale CN - Tel. / Fax of Shelter: 0175 95.60.25 – Home: 0175 95.01.61 - Tax code: PTR LNT 43M11 L804U – VAT: 00941110041 - Graphic and realization: by Paoletti Computers – Busca, Caraglio, Centallo (CN)