2.450 meters over the sea level – Pontechianale – Valle Varaita - WEST side of MonViso
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We propose some itineraries of the most common of the Viso Tour, with the intention to supply more possibilities: in relation to how much time available and to the difficulty of the journey itself. We added in our list a tour suitable to families as well and a tour of Viso for experts, suitable for those who already have a good trekking technique. For its long development (50 km) this tour should be done if you have a good training and ability to move on different grounds (rocks, snow, too exposed paths).

In two days:

First day Pian del Re-Shelter Vallanta.
Starting from Pian del Re (m2020) in Po Valley, Traversette Hill (2950) or alternatively Hole of Viso (m2882), down the French shelter Mont Viso (m 2460), climbing the Hill of Vallanta (m2811), Shelter Vallanta (2450) and overnight booking.

Second day Shelter Vallanta (valle Varaita)-Pian del Re.
Starting from Shelter Vallanta (m2450), Walk of S. Chiaffredo (m2764) in the vallone delle Giargiatte, Walk Gallarino (m2727), Shelter Quintino Sella (m2640), Pian del Re (m2020).

Suitable for good walkers; time calculated for each journey 7 hours.


In 3 days possibility A.

First day Pian del Re (m2020)-Shelter Quintino Sella (2640) or Shelter Alpetto (m2268)
time calculated for each journey 3 hours.

Second day Shelter Sella or Alpetto-Shelter- shelter Vallanta.
Passo Gallarino (m 2727), Passo S. Chiaffredo (m 2764) vallone delle Giargiatte up to grange Gheit (m 1912), up to the Valley of Vallanta up to the so called shelter and overnight booking; time calculated for each journey 5/6 hours.

Third day Shelter Vallanta (m2450)-Pian del Re (m2020)

Vallanta hill Hill (m 2811), down to the French shelter Mont Viso (2460), Traversette Hill (m2950) or alternatively Hole of Viso (m 2882), Pian del Re (m2020); time calculated for each journey 6 hours.


In 3 days possibility B.

First day Castel di Pontechianale (m 1603) in Valle Varaita-Shelter Giacoletti (m2741)
Starting from the Castle (m1603), Vallanta Valley up to grange Gheit (m 1912) crossroad for Walk of S. Chiaffredo (m2764) Giargiatte Valley, Walk of Gallarino (m 2727), Shelter Quintino Sella (m 2640), Shelter Giacoletti (m2741) and overnight booking; time calculated for each journey 7 hours.

Second day Shelter Giacoletti (m2741)-Shelter Vallanta (m2450).

Departure from Giacoletti (m2741) Traversette Hill (m2950) or Hole of Viso (m2882) through the “sentiero del postino” “the path of the postman”, access to the French side the Shelter Mont Viso (2460), Hill of Vallanta (m2811), Shelter Vallanta (m2450) and overnight booking; time calculated for each journey 4/5 hours.
From the shelter Vallanta and the shelter Giacoletti you can access also through the Couloirs du Porc (only for experts), interesting path that leads to Lake Porcieroles (France) little under the Hill of Vallanta.

Third day Shelter Vallanta (m2450)-Castello (m1603).

Departure from the shelter, climbing to Monte Losetta (m3050) from which you can admire one of the best views of the Monviso landscape and its West/Northwest walls, taking down for the Sustra Valley up to the tar street that brings to Sheep Hill , taking down for the Chianale (we suggest the visit of this little village, which is considered one of nicest of Italy, Castel of Pontechianale (by bus); time calculated for each journey 5 hours.

In 4 or 5 days (for families).

First day Castle of Pontechianale (m1603)-Shelter Vallanta (m2450);
time calculated for each journey 3 hours.

Second day Shelter Vallanta (m2450)-Shelter Mont Viso (m2460)
walking through Vallanta Hill (m2811); time calculated for each journey 3 hours.

Third day Shelter Mont Viso-(m2460), Hotel Pian del Re (m2040).
walking through Traversette Hill (m2950) or if accessible through Hole of Viso (m2882); time calculated for each journey 4/5 hours.

Fourth day Hotel Pian del Re-Shelter Alpetto (m2268);
time calculated for each journey 4/5 hours.

Fifth day Shelter Alpetto (m2268)-Castle (m1603)
Through the path S. Chiaffredo (m2764) valley delle Giargiatte.; time calculated for each journey 5/6 hours.

Alpinism Tour of Viso (2 days):

First day Pian del Re (m2020)-Shelter Vallanta (m2450)..
Departure from Pian del Re direction to shelter Giacoletti, Giacoletti Walk (m2990) or Walk of Colonnello (m2996), Vallanta Hill (m2811), Shelter Vallanta (m2450)

Second day Shelter Vallanta (m2450)-Pian del Re (m2020).
Departure from shelter, Canale della Milizia, Passo delle Sagnette (m2991) vallone delle Forciolline, Shelter Quintino Sella (m2640), Pian del Re (m2020).


Cadreghe di Viso “Chairs of Viso” in piemontese

Five characteristic pinnacles of metamorphic rock that peak on the watershed Po-Vallanta (between Monte Viso and Visolotto). High mountain environment, is among the most severe of the whole southwestern Alpine sector. The High Mountain environment is among the hardest of the entire southwestern rocky structure, in strange form of chairs, (cadreghe in the dialect of Piemonte), have been bordered from the sides of mountains (improperly called hills) north and south of the Chairs, which have both an easy access from the southern side.

Number Path: 4.22 - Gradient: 1582 m - Grade of difficulty: PD - Time Needed: 4 h 55 min - Recommended Period: July - September
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- Monte Losetta (m3050)
- Punta Gastaldi (m3214)
- Visolotto (m3348)
- Mon Viso (parete Nord, Nord-Ovest) (m3841)
- Viso di Vallanta o Dado di Viso
- Punta Caprera (m3380)

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RifugioVallanta.it – Valle Varaita CN - Manager: Guida Alpina Patrile Livio - Fr. Furest, 12 – 12020 Pontechianale CN - Tel. / Fax of Shelter: 0175 95.60.25 – Home: 0175 95.01.61 - Tax code: PTR LNT 43M11 L804U – VAT: 00941110041 - Graphic and realization: by Paoletti Computers – Busca, Caraglio, Centallo (CN)