2.450 meters over the sea level – Pontechianale – Valle Varaita - WEST side of MonViso
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Date of Arrival: Data of departure:
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Service:  Half Board (dinner, bed & breakfast)
Only bed booking
Human Check*:

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In compliance to the regulations of the law according to the use of private information, by sending this message to The Shelter Vallanta, I authorize to insert my above mentioned personal data in their database for information purposes only. I can in any moment require to cancel my data in their database sending an email to rifugio.vallanta@gmail.com
The owner of the treatment of these data is Patrile Livio – Alpine Guide, head and registered office Fr. Furest, 12 - 12020 Pontechianale (CN).
* compulsory fields (to be fulfilled)      
cornice cornice
RifugioVallanta.it – Valle Varaita CN - Manager: Guida Alpina Patrile Livio - Fr. Furest, 12 – 12020 Pontechianale CN - Tel. / Fax of Shelter: 0175 95.60.25 – Home: 0175 95.01.61 - Tax code: PTR LNT 43M11 L804U – VAT: 00941110041 - Graphic and realization: by Paoletti Computers – Busca, Caraglio, Centallo (CN)