“IL GIRO DEL VISO” the tour of Viso
Did anyone ever tell you that a trekking lasting more days around a cliff was developed right by the Monviso’s foot? During 1839 James
David Forbes, professor in biology and natural philosophy of Edinburgh University, undertook a long journey within the Alps. Coolidge
told: ”He started is walking from Marseilles climbing along the valleys of Durance e of Ubaye up to Bacellonette, crossed at the head of
that valley the Col of Cula reaching Saint Veran and so Abries in Valley of Guil He did the “Tour of Monte Viso” going through many
difficult paths and excursions: the “Col of Traversette, the Col of Viso, the Walk of Sagnette or the Walk of San Chiaffredo and the one
of Vallanta”.
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